Work and Jobs

Do you currently have or have you previously had a job? If so describe it.

Do you have any career plans? Are you an ambitious person?

Describe your dream job. Why does it appeal to you?

What job would you hate to do? Why?

Is money, job satisfaction or lifestyle most important to you when considering a job?

What is an ideal number of hours to work in a week?

Do you prefer flexible workplace hours or would you rather work set hours?

Does a nine to five job suit your current lifestyle?

Do people have too much job stress these days in your opinion?

In your opinion are employees paid fair wages in your country?

Should overtime work be paid at a higher rate than normal?

Would you prefer to be paid an hourly rate as a contract worker or have a permanent job with an annual salary?

Would you ever be prepared to do a ‘DDD’ job (dirty, dangerous and difficult)?

Would you prefer to work for others or would you rather be your own boss?

Do you consider yourself to be a ‘team player’? Do you enjoy working in a team environment or do you prefer to complete tasks on your own?

Do you have any plans to run a business in the future? If so what sort of business?

Have you ever done any voluntary work?

Do you think automation is going to take over all jobs in the future? If so are you concerned about it?

Given a choice would you prefer to have a job or not?

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