Truth and Honesty

Would you describe yourself as an honest person?

Do you ever tell white lies? How about black lies?

How important is honesty in your culture?

Do you agree there are situations in life when you need to be dishonest? Is it possible to live a life avoiding lies completely?

If a friend of yours asked for your opinion on their appearance and you think they look bad would you tell a lie even if you knew that they would be offended?

Do you ever tell people you’re OK when actually you’re not feeling OK?

Is not telling the full story a form of dishonesty?

How honest are politicians in your country?

Who’s the most honest person you know? Do you respect their honesty?

Do you prefer your friends and family to be honest?

Do you hide things from people if you think they will react badly?

Have you ever been caught out telling a lie? How did the person react?

Have you ever caught anyone out lying to you? What did you do?

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