Social Issues

In your opinion what’s the most important social issue in your country?

Is there much poverty where you live? What can be done to address it?

Is there a big gap between the rich and the poor in your country? Why is this?

Are there many illicit drugs in your country? In your opinion is there adequate punishment for drug users and dealers?

Is youth unemployment high in your society? What about employment of the elderly?

Does your community have a high or low level of crime? Which crimes are most common?

Is racism common in your society? How is it usually manifest?

Is abortion legal or illegal in your country? What is your opinion on it?

Is there much corruption in your country compared to other countries? How often do politicians go to jail for corruption?

Is the birth rate high or low in your society? Are there likely to be issues with an ageing population in the future?

Do you think the education system in your country is good?

Is alcohol consumption a problem in your society? Why?

Is obesity a problem in your community? Are obesity rates rising?

How is the health system in your country? Is it affordable and accessible to all?

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