Science and Technology

Do you follow news about science and technology closely?

Describe an interesting story you’ve seen recently about a scientific finding or a new technological development?

What do you think is the most important technological breakthrough in history? For example the invention of the wheel, the discovery of electricity, the invention of the motorcar, the invention of the internet etc.

Do you think technology is making our lives easier or more difficult?

Do you usually believe what you read about scientific breakthroughs or are you often sceptical?

Do you think scientific progress will eventually lead to humans living forever? If this were possible would it be a good thing?

Do you think AI (artificial intelligence) is a threat or an opportunity for humanity?

Do you believe AI and robots will eventually take over all jobs?

Do you believe that AI could eventually take over the world?

In your opinion are GM (genetically modified) plant crops a good or bad thing? Why?

Do you think the cloning of animals is ethical? Why?

Should parents be able to choose the gender of their child before conception?

Should parents be able to choose the genetic characteristics of their children before conception?

Do you believe it will be possible to 3D print human organs in the future?

Do you believe it will be possible to download our personalities onto the web in the future?

Do you think you can survive in modern society without your cell phone?

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