Modern Life

How has technology transformed our daily lives in the past decade? Are there any advancements you find particularly impressive or concerning?

In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of living in a digitally connected world?

How has social media influenced the way we communicate and interact with others?

Discuss the impact of globalization on culture, economy, and society.

How has the concept of work-life balance evolved in recent years? Is it easier or more difficult to achieve in today's society?

What are some current environmental issues that concern you? How can individuals contribute to addressing them?

How has the pandemic (COVID-19) affected our lives and society as a whole? What changes do you think will remain even after the pandemic ends?

Discuss the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives. Do you have any concerns about it?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote work or online education?

How has the gig economy changed the way people work and earn a living?

How has consumer behaviour changed in the era of e-commerce? What are the effects on traditional brick-and-mortar businesses?

Explore the role of renewable energy sources in transitioning to a more sustainable future.

Discuss the challenges and benefits of living in urban areas versus rural areas in the modern world.

What are some of the current trends in fashion, music, or entertainment? Do you think these trends reflect societal values and attitudes?

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