Law and Justice

Are you usually a law-abiding citizen?

Have you ever broken the law? If so how?

Do you think it’s possible to live a life in which you never break a single law?

Have you ever met anyone who has spent time in jail?

In your opinion are your country’s laws generally fair or are some laws unjust?

What is the difference between law-abiding behaviour and ethical behaviour? Can you think of any examples where your country’s laws don’t manage to prevent unethical behaviour?

In your opinion is it ok to exploit ‘loopholes’ in the law for personal benefit?

Do you think the laws in your country are too lenient on criminals?

In your opinion do white collar criminals tend to be punished too leniently?

Do you believe in capital punishment? Why or why not?

Should certain illicit drugs be legalized? Are there any cases where a drug should be legalized for a special purpose, such as for medicinal use?

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