Health and Well-Being

In your own opinion how healthy are you?

Do you usually eat healthy food?

How much fruit and vegetables do you consume in a typical day? Should you eat more?

How much meat is it healthy to eat?

Is it beneficial to health to consume alcohol in moderation or is none at all better?

Do you take vitamins or supplements regularly?

How often do you exercise? What exercise do you do?

Do you think you should exercise more often?

What is an ideal amount of exercise?

What do you think is the best exercise for cardiovascular fitness?

What is the best exercise for building up your strength?

In your opinion is doing heavy weights healthy or harmful?

Is jogging a good form of exercise or is it too hard on the joints?

Do you ever do yoga or pilates? If so how is it beneficial?

Have you ever had a serious illness?

Do you suffer from any ongoing health conditions?

Do you suffer from any allergies?

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