Friends and Friendship

Do you have a few friends or many friends?

How often do you meet your friends?

Where do you usually meet your friends and what do you like to do with them?

Do you usually keep the same friends for many years or do your friendships tend to come and go?

Do you have friends from your school years? What age were you when you first met them?

Describe your closest friend. How did you meet them? What is their personality like? What do you like about them?

Do you entrust your best friend with your deepest secrets?

Would you lend your best friend money if they asked you?

Have you ever fallen out with a friend? Did you make up again later or did you end up going your separate ways?

Has a friend ever betrayed you?

Do you have friends from a different generation to your own?

Do you have any friends that are the opposite sex?

Do you believe people of the opposite sex can be close friends?

Do you get many opportunities to make new friends?

In your opinion what is the best way of meeting new friends in this day and age?

Are friends or family more important to you?

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