Food and Diet

Do you usually eat three meals a day?

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

What do you usually east for lunch?

What do you usually eat for dinner?

Do you agree with the saying ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper’?

What is your favorite food? How often do you eat it?

Are you an adventurous eater? Do you often try new foods?

Do you ever skip meals? Do you think skipping some meals is healthy?

Have you ever been on a diet? Did it work?

Do you snack often? What snack foods do you like?

Do you enjoy junk food? What junk foods do you enjoy?

How often do you eat junk food?

Are you a sweet tooth?

Do you enjoy drinking coffee?

Do you enjoy drinking alcohol? What type of alcohol do you enjoy and how often?

What food do you consider to be the unhealthiest?

Is there any food you think you should cut down for the sake of your health?

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