
What was your favourite childhood game or toy and why?

How did you spend your weekends or holidays as a child? Were you ever involved in any extracurricular activities or hobbies?

Did you have any siblings or cousins to play with when you were a child?

What was your favourite subject in school when you were a child?

Did you have any favourite books or movies during your childhood?

Did you have any nicknames when you were a child? How did you get them?

Did you have any role models or heroes when you were growing up? Who were they and why did you admire them?

What was the most adventurous or daring thing you did as a child and how did it turn out?

Did you have a favourite food or dish that you loved as a child? Do you still enjoy it today or have your tastes changed over time?

Did you have any pets when you were growing up?

How did your parents or guardians discipline you when you misbehaved as a child?

Did you have any fears or phobias as a child? How did you overcome them?

Were there any significant historical or cultural events that occurred during your childhood? How did they impact your life or the lives of those around you?

Can you recall a funny or embarrassing moment from your childhood that still makes you smile today?

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