Age and Ageing

In your opinion what age is it best to be? Why?

What age would you like to live to ideally?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting older?

In your opinion are young people in your society becoming more entitled?

In your country is there ageism in the work force? Do young or old people have difficulties finding or keeping jobs?

Do older people receive more advantages than younger people in your culture?

Is your country’s demographic ageing (are there more and more older people relative to younger people?) Is this creating any problems?

Do you like your current age? Are you afraid of getting old?

Do you have problems communicating with younger generations? Why?

Do you have problems communicating with older generations? Why?

Do you have any friends from a different generation?

Do you usually prefer mixing with people who are younger than you or older than you?

Do you find it uncomfortable to be around old people? Why?

Do you like spending time with children?

Do you think children are spoilt these days?

How have you noticed yourself changing as you’ve gotten older?

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